
Showing posts from September, 2018

When's The Last Time Your Board Took a Look in The Mirror?

While school administrators are regularly evaluated on their performance (and should be), how often is your school board examining its' own effectiveness? This is an area of evaluation frequently overlooked. Shouldn't school board members also be accountable for their work? When communities elect representatives to serve their school district, the expectation is that they conduct their work responsibly, respectfully and efficiently. It is also expected that they conduct themselves in a collaborative and supportive manner with their only employee, the district administrator. While it doesn't mean everyone is in agreement all the time, the public understands that school improvement requires a positive working relationship between the board and the superintendent of schools. Without it, district success, however, it's measured, will be on hold. So what kinds of measures should be examined by the board in an ongoing manner? Since 2000, the National School ...